How to Whiten Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening is a simple process that anyone can follow. The procedure can be done in the comfort of your own home and there are no restrictions on getting your teeth professionally whitened. The color of your teeth is determined by the amount of sensitivity and discoloration in your enamel; this is called yellowing. You can prevent yellowing from occurring by following good oral hygiene practices, brushing regularly, and using mouthwash that contains fluoride.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures done these days. Teeth whitening is performed on teeth that have yellow-colored stains, tetracycline spots, and other discolorations. Although this procedure is incredibly efficient and effective, many people still find it very hard to do home treatments for their teething toddlers. This is because tooth stains can easily be removed with a good amount of patience and proper technique.

(1) Brush twice a day

Brushing your teeth twice a day is the most important way to whiten your teeth. Not only does it remove plaque and food particles from your teeth, but it also removes the stained enamel that can cause stains on your teeth.

Brush for two minutes at a time. Brush your teeth for two minutes at a time, making sure to brush the entire surface of each tooth. This will help to ensure that you have removed all of the plaque and food particles from your teeth.

Brush with an interdental brush. Use an interdental brush to clean the spaces in between your teeth, which can also be referred to as periodontal pockets or pockets located between the upper and lower jaw bones. These spaces are where bacteria can grow and stick around for quite some time before being removed by brushing or flossing.

Brush after every meal. When you eat something that causes plaque build-up on your teeth, simply rinse with water or mouthwash afterward so that any leftover plaque doesn't stick around too long after brushing.

(2) Try a whitening toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste is a great way to get your teeth whiter. You can use it before you go to bed and let it sit overnight, or you can use it as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Try whitening toothpaste like Crest 3D White Luxe White strips that helps remove surface stains and discoloration, leaving your teeth looking brighter and brighter over time. It's available at most drugstores for about $5 per box of 24 strips (four boxes).

If you're not a fan of whitening toothpaste, you could try using baking soda instead. Baking soda has many health benefits including being an effective homemade whitener. Just mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/4 teaspoon of water in a bowl then apply to your teeth for about 10 minutes before rinsing off and brushing your teeth regularly afterward for best results.

(3) Avoid foods that stain teeth

The most important thing you can do to keep your teeth white is to avoid foods that stain them. The darker the food, the more likely it is to stain your teeth.

You should never leave food sitting on your teeth for too long. It's best to make sure that you brush after each meal and before bedtime.

You should also be careful about what you drink, as well as what other substances may be left on your teeth after eating certain foods.

In order to whiten your teeth, you should avoid foods that can cause discoloration of the enamel. These include:

Milk chocolate

Coffee and tea

Red wine and alcohol

(4) Rinse your mouth with water

The first step to whitening your teeth is to rinse your mouth with water. This helps get rid of any stains on the surface of your teeth, which can be caused by bacteria.

Rinse with warm water. Warm water is preferred because it's gentler on your gums and teeth than cold water. You should also rinse with a little bit of toothpaste, but only if it's gel or foam.

Rinse with baking soda and peroxide. Baking soda is abrasive, so it can help loosen plaque that has accumulated over time in between your teeth. Peroxide is an acidic ingredient that can help break down the plaque on the surface of your teeth and remove stains from the enamel layer of your teeth.

(5) Use hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common remedies for whitening teeth. It's sold in stores as a liquid and as a gel, but you can also buy it in many toothpaste-like tubes. You can also find hydrogen peroxide on Amazon, which makes it much easier to get at home.

To use hydrogen peroxide:

Brush your teeth very well, including between the gaps between your teeth and under your tongue (this is where plaque can build up).

Rinse out your mouth with water to make sure there are no bits of food or plaque left behind.

Sprinkle some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab and rub it around inside your mouth for about 10 seconds (or until it starts bubbling). Brush your teeth again with a toothbrush afterward to remove any leftover stains or film from the hydrogen peroxide.

(6) Use baking soda

The best way to whiten your teeth is by using baking soda. Baking soda can be found in most homes and is usually kept in the kitchen cabinet as an ingredient in recipes such as bread or muffins. It's also used to make soap and laundry detergent, so it's easy to find.

The toothpaste you use should have baking soda added to it, too. This ensures that your teeth are exfoliated properly and don't get stained from the baking soda.

You can use a toothbrush that has baking soda on the bristles. Brush for about five minutes, twice a day for optimal results. After brushing, rinse your mouth with water and spit out any excess toothpaste. Then brush again using regular toothpaste until it starts to foam up like normal toothpaste should do when brushing your teeth.

(7) Floss between teeth

Flossing is the most important part of keeping your teeth white. In fact, it's better to floss regularly than to get a fluoride treatment.

If you don't floss, you can expect to see signs of gum disease and tooth decay in about six months.

Flossing between teeth helps remove plaque that has been accumulated on the sides and back of your teeth. This is because plaque sits in crevices on your teeth and is not visible to the naked eye.

Flossing is the key to keeping your teeth clean. Flossing removes plaque, debris, and food particles from between your teeth. It helps prevent gingivitis, a condition that causes inflammation of the gums.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing at least once a day to remove plaque from between your teeth. You can also floss in between each tooth with a regular-width string of floss.