6 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

Pimples are a common skin condition that can affect anyone. They're often associated with puberty but can pop up at any time during your life. Pimples can be just as much of a pain for teens and adults as they are for kids, though. If you have acne, here are 6 proven ways to get rid of pimples fast.

(1) Use a Baking Soda Mask

Using a baking soda mask is one of the best ways to get rid of pimples fast.

Baking soda is an inexpensive ingredient that helps kill the bacteria that cause pimples and prevents them from coming back. It also helps your skin stay cleaner and clearer because it exfoliates dead skin cells.

To use a baking soda mask:

Like any other mask, apply it on your face for at least 20 minutes.

Use an old toothbrush to remove any excess baking soda from your face after you wash it off with water.

Baking soda is the best way to get rid of pimples. It’s a natural ingredient that can help to heal your skin and reduce inflammation.

Here’s how you can use baking soda for pimple treatment:

Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water in a bowl. Apply this mixture to your pimple and leave it on overnight. Wash it off in the morning with warm water to remove dead skin cells and cleanse your face.

Alternatively, you can also use a face mask made from baking soda, which will exfoliate the dead skin cells from your face and make it look smoother. Just mix 2 teaspoons of baking powder with 4 tablespoons of milk or cream, apply this mixture on your face and let it dry for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with water.

(2) Use Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best ways to get rid of pimples is by using apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a natural acne remedy and has been used for centuries to treat acne. It can be used as a facial cleanser, toner, or as a spot treatment. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid (the same ingredient as aspirin), which kills bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation.

To use apple cider vinegar for acne, mix one tablespoon with water and apply it to your face twice a day. Alternatively, you can add one teaspoon of raw organic honey to a glass of warm water and mix well before adding the apple cider vinegar. You can also make a paste out of baking soda and water by mixing one teaspoon each of baking soda with one cup of water. This paste should be applied on the affected areas once or twice daily until your pimples disappear completely.

(3) Make an aspirin mask

One of the most effective ways to get rid of pimples is by making an aspirin mask. Simply mix two aspirin tablets with a few drops of water in a bowl, then apply it on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. This will help to exfoliate dead skin cells, which will reduce inflammation and allow new cells to grow. You can also add 2-3 drops of honey to the mixture if you want to make it more effective.

Another remedy is using a piece of cheesecloth soaked in milk or cream and gently dabbing it on your face while gently massaging it into the skin. Dairy products will help remove dead skin cells and make your pores look smaller.

(4) Use toothpaste on your pimples

One of the most common ways to get rid of pimples is to use toothpaste. Toothpaste contains ingredients that help reduce inflammation and swelling of the skin. This will reduce the redness and inflammation caused by acne in a few days.

In addition to reducing inflammation, toothpaste also contains chemicals that kill off bacteria on your face. The more bacteria you have on your face, the more it will make you break out in pimples.

Toothpaste also helps control oil production in your skin. When you use toothpaste on your acne-prone areas, it helps control oil production while also reducing inflammation and redness.

You can buy different kinds of toothpaste with different kinds of ingredients in them. Some contain glycerine while others contain menthol or mint oil. You should choose whichever one works best for you based on what type of acne your skin has.

(5) Apply the white portion of an egg

This is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of pimples fast.

Here are some important things to remember:

Apply the white portion of an egg on your face directly after showering (or washing). The yolk is too dirty for application.

Massage it gently for about 5-10 minutes and then wash your face with cold water and pat dry with a towel.

Do this at least twice a day, morning and night, until the pimples disappear completely.

(6) Make a Honey and Cinnamon Mask

The best thing you can do to get rid of pimples fast is to make a honey and cinnamon mask. This mask is great for getting rid of zits and blemishes, and it will leave your skin feeling smooth, soft, and refreshed.

You can make this mask in minutes by combining 1 cup of warm water with 1/4 cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon. Mix well until the honey dissolves.

Then apply the mixture to your face using a clean cotton ball or gauze pad. Leave it on for 15 minutes or longer if possible. Rinse with warm water and pat dry before applying any moisturizer or makeup!

This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of pimples fast.

The honey and cinnamon mask is an effective, natural way to get rid of pimples fast. The ingredients included in this mask will help reduce inflammation and redness, which will result in fewer pimples on your face.


1/2 cup of honey

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix all the ingredients together and apply it on your face for around 10 minutes then rinse it off with lukewarm water.